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Battery Storage Barns

Date posted: 15 September 2016

Total energy consumption within the UK is slowly decreasing while peak demand is ever increasing. If we look at the current demand and possible future demands, including from sources such as electric vehicles and electric heat pumps etc., the need for flexible electricity distribution becomes apparent. This flexibility may be provided using electricity storage technologies.

Electricity storage is particularly beneficial in providing energy for peak demands thus eliminating the issue of having to use energy as it is created and reducing waste generation by storing energy produced by renewable sources that is not required at that time, for example, solar photovoltaics providing electricity during daylight hours only.

There are a number of electricity storage technologies, for example, Pumped Hydroelectricity Storage, Battery Storage and Pumped Heat Electricity Storage to name but a few. This update focuses on Battery Storage technology and some of the requirements involved.

Over the years, battery storage size and efficiency has improved greatly and may now provide an economic solution to balancing energy supply with demand. There are some great opportunities for landowners and farmers, particularly as there has recently been an increased interest in potential sites for electricity storage.

Battery Storage Barns

Typically the buildings used to house the batteries are new steel framed buildings in an agricultural style although suitable existing buildings may also be used. Planning policy needs to be considered when submitting a planning application and as energy storage is not an agricultural use, the exemptions for agricultural barns do not apply.

The installation would not need to be manned during the lease period, usually 25 years, and would require only occasional visits from maintenance engineers. At the end of the lease period the building would revert back to the landlord.

There are many factors to be considered when choosing an appropriate site, such as, a location likely to get planning permission, suitable access to the electricity network and any impact on current farming operations or future diversification options. North & Letherby can help landowners identify the potential for electricity storage by conducting an initial site visit, assisting in locating the nearest grid connection, and helping to choose the right partner or developer.

For further information please contact us on 01454 631575 or email

RICS Central Association of Agricultural Valuers The Institute of Agricultural Management

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